Liverpool Girl Power Tackle Shakes Chelsea Legends…
Brace yourself, folks! In a rather cheeky display of girl power, former Liverpool FC Women’s star Natasha Dowie entered the Anfield legends game with the grace of a ballerina… except she’s a footballer and tackling was the name of the game! Making history as the first woman to join this annual shindig, Dowie wasted zero time getting her boots dirty by body-checking Chelsea legends like she’s on some nostalgic mission.
Natasha, donning the No. 9 jersey like she was carrying some kind of secret weapon, swooped in as a substitute for Momo Sissoko. Her entry might as well have been marked by the Jaws theme music, as she crunched into Claude Makelele, leaving him grimacing on the hallowed turf of Anfield. But why stop there? Deciding that one down, two tackled, she smoothly moved on to Ramires, ensuring that nobody forgets Dowie is in town!
Anfield erupted into cheers, claps, and quite possibly, a few gasps of yelping surprise as she took no prisoners with her tackles. Dowie, clearly in a playful mood, later linked up the play effortlessly for an attacking move. Sharing pre-match excitement at a press bash, she insisted that her antics are about inspiring a future generation. But shhh, let the tackles speak louder than words!